Virtues 101 Character Education Made Easy

Teach the language of virtues to unlock your child’s emotional intelligence.

Positive emotions often share the same name as the virtue we are experiencing when we feel them. For example, we feel patient when we are being patient; we feel joy when we are joyful, and we feel grateful when we are grateful.

We experience negative emotions when virtues are absent. So, for example, we feel anger when justice is absent, sadness when joy is absent and resentful when gratitude is absent.

This relationship between emotions and virtues is so obvious that it has been completely invisible to most people.

What is equally obvious is that the better we understand the virtues that surround us, the better we will understand our emotional responses to our experiences.

This is why Virtues 101 was born. We believe the first step in understanding emotions is to learn the language of virtues. This language gives us the vocabulary we need in order to talk about what is really going on in every situation. It helps us look beyond the actions we experience and see the virtues – or lack of virtues – that motivated them. When we can recognize what is missing, we can see what we need to add in order to improve every situation.

To help people learn this language, we have created a wide range of products that introduce both adults and children to the names and definitions of the character qualities that reside within them, and that are expressed in our daily interactions. From ABC Virtue Refrigerator Magnets for kids to Character Coins for adults, we want the words that describe your emotional environment to be as well known to you as the colors of your crayons or the letters of the alphabet.

We are always open to ideas for new products. What do you wish you had to help you make teaching character or practicing virtues easier? Please send us your thoughts and tell us know how you are using our products to expand your virtue vocabulary.

Finally, even if you don’t purchase a thing, thank you for visiting this page and for your interest in making the world a little better.

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